$685.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Grow Your Business with Social Video - (4 Payments)

You will go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling confident and in control - knowing your video attracts and converts your ideal clients…

You will walk away with:

  • A system and process to create content consistently and efficiently without feeling burnt out

  • Pre-built scripts and templates for videos (documents and PDFs that you can customize for your brand)  

  • A proper set up for filming - best practices and tools to execute high-quality video (list of recommended items and tips on what to wear and where to film)

  • Be able to ‘repurpose’ your content (film once and have 10 pieces of content)

  • A ‘design bible’ to ensure a cohesive look & feel that attracts clients 

  • Brainstorm process and document for video ideas

  • Guidance on how to convert followers to clients

  • The ability to make your ideal client fall in love with you

You’ll have accountability from an award-winning video coach & video producer and also have:

  • Completed ready to post social videos - I’ll hold your hand through it

  • Real-time feedback on videos you’re making  

  • Training to show up authentically and confidently on camera 

This 7-week live group course includes:

  • Get your biggest questions answered by an expert in real time with Live Coaching

  • Exclusive community of like-minded individuals to support you and keep you accountable on your journey to success

  • Demystify and understand simply how to make higher-quality video with digestible step-by-step video sessions and downloadable materials that teach you and reinforce your learnings
  • Access to hours worth of Kim’s exclusive curriculum

  • Eliminate the days and weeks of feeling like you're making content, spinnning your wheels with no direction
  • Basically you’ll get lots of access to ME (an award-winning branded content expert with 15 years in Big Media)



    Terms & conditions:

    No refunds available.

    Complete details available on contract.

    *Dates subject to change

What People Are Saying:

It's an exceptional experience. It was done professionally, enthusiastically, cheerfully, with humor.

Deborah Greenhut, Writing Coach

This course is already transforming my real estate business. I would say, you’re nuts not to take Kim’s course. Her understanding of the social medium and her understanding of what your business needs, even if she’s not in your business, is just remarkable. The skills she has, the experience, it just translates into the classes and the example she gives. This program was powerful in the amount of information dispensed and in the way it was given, and with the enthusiasm and the clear expertise of the social matter of her understanding the social environment and how we could apply it to our own industry and work. Each one of us is in a different sphere (or industry), but the information she’s sending out is useful to all of us.

Jesse Berger, Real Estate Agent, Douglas Elliman NYC

I loved Kim’s class. I’m so glad I invested in it! She was a joy to work with. I learned so much. I have a reel that was shared 120 times! I just can’t say enough about Kim. It was such a great experience.

Shannon Massey, Entrepreneur

I have seen so much significant change in my business! I saw my average reel view go to 13,000 from 100 views and that was because I applied Kim’s teachings. Kim taught me to move away from a selling mentality to focusing on being creative to putting content out there that people want to see. Thank you Kim so much for everything you taught! I cannot wait to take your next class!

Therese Gopaul-Robinson, Health Care Leadership Consultant

We now have a content machine! I have a huge referral business. Kim was an integral part of the success of my teams video and digital marketing, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is serious about taking their business to the next level. Many thanks Kim!

Top 1% Corcoran Agent Randy Baruh

Video is hard for me but you made it feel safe. If you want to change your life, if you want to learn something you didn't know yesterday that will help you no matter what you do in the future then take this class. Oh and PS it will also help you grow your business and make money! No matter who you are or what business you are in you can benefit from Kim Rittberg's video class.

Martha, Real Estate Agent

I received a referral from another agent & made new connections with agents who have been engaging with my content!

Crystal Berrian, South Carolina Real Estate Agent